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Florence Duesterbeck

Florence Duesterbeck worked as a librarian with a computer science background before going back to University for a BFA degree. She is currently working on a Post-Baccalaureate in Visual Arts at the University of Regina while working at Home Depot in the Seasonal section to keep active. She has concentrated on Printmaking and Photography with a bit of Ceramics thrown in. Previously she had interests in all forms of stitchery plus paper crafts, especially multi-media work. She taught workshops and was an executive member on a number of organizations. She is taking up gardening again, this time using containers. At one time she had over 500 African Violets with 50 different varieties. Feeding and watching the birds and squirrels is a daily interest. Taking up the camera has helped her see that the reality of what is around us can be different than how our mind perceives it. There is more if you take the time to look.

With cyanotype I have had to start training myself to see in a different way, I needed to start seeing in tones. It allowed me to highlight textures, line and form plus sometimes a very special sense of the light.  —Florence Duesterbeck

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