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Esperanza Sanchez Espitia

Esperanza Sanchez Espitia is a Colombo-Canadian photojournalist. Her favourite medium is photography. Esperanza is a humanist photographer who is able to see the beauty in every single face. She spent eighteen years of self-financed field work research on the ancestral cultural aspects of 84 Indigenous Groups of Colombia. A photographic database has been gathered during these years, reflecting the essence of the indigenous life, which includes the places where First Nations People live (chozas, malocas, rancherias), the power plants used for medicine and ceremonial rituals, totem animals, ancestral customs, and the fascinating agricultural landscape. This work has been helping  to protect First Nation communities around the world.  Esperanza’s photographic work has been exhibited in Canada, South Africa, Geneva, New York, Paris, and the USA among other countries.


Through cyanotype, Esperanza is essentially interested in understanding light. Esperanza’s series of photos titled: Drawing with the sun is an exploration of light from the ancient cyanotype technique to her deepest memories. This work is a journey into her blue past and present. The cyanotype medium allows her to create a single new artistic body shaped by the magical path of drawing with light.

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